Personal Pizza With Low-Carb Crust

I'm at it again! Working that low-carb pizza crust recipe. I finally got this thing just where I want it. The crust is thin, tasty and a little bit crisp. You would never know it was made mostly of cauliflower!

How To Make It

The trick is to place your cauliflower florets in a pot with chicken stock and cook the heck out of it. You're basically cooking the flavor out of the cauliflower. I boil it for about 45 minutes. Let the cauliflower cool then wrap in a kitchen towel and wring it out as much as possible to remove the moisture. Your cauliflower should be a doughy texture now. In a bowl, mix the cauliflower with one egg and 3/4 of a cup of grated Parmesan cheese.

Half the mixture to make two small personal pizzas. This is important because the dough does not cook through as well in the center, so it is not advisable to make larger pizzas with this recipe. Set your oven to 350 (f). Using your fingers, spread the dough into two rectangles on a silpat (get these at Sur la Table). Bake 10-15 minutes per side.

Finally, add your favorite sauce and toppings and bake at 425 (f) to desired done-ness. Enjoy!