Homemade Turkey Vegetable Soup

Turkey. It's not just for the holidays! Turkey is a great option for affordable dishes that can span multiple meals. This batch of soup is great for dinner and provides me with lunch for another one or two days! Delicious, nutritious and affordable!

How to Make It:

I'll get a nice sized turkey breast and roast it for sliced turkey breast served with gravy one night, and the next night I'll use what's remaining for a home-made turkey soup. Put the turkey breast carcass into a stock pot. Cover with water and seasonings of your choice. Set at a low boil for 90 minutes or so. Strain the broth and return it to the pan. Toss in the vegetables you'd like (here, I used carrots, mushrooms, spinach celery and onion). Salt (generously) and add freshly ground pepper.